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Якорь 1
I.V. Geist, A.M. Ismagilova, A.V. Zaitsev
Weathering crust of Western Siberia: integrated approach to modelling of unconventional object
DOI 10.31087/0016-7894-2019-6-67-74

Today, most of the major oil and gas fields in Western Siberia are in the final stages of development, and the conventional porous reservoirs are typical of them. Hydrocarbon production decline in the large fields should be offset by the development of medium or small fields. However, the majority of reserves put in production are classified as difficult-to-recover reserves associated with accumulations in the geologically complicated formations having low permeability, high oil viscosity, presence of faults, active bottom waters, gas caps, etc. The paper presents the integrated approach to creation of geological model of unconventional reservoir represented by silicite and carbonate formations. Algorithm of creating cubes of matrix porosity and permeability with fractures, which take into account production data, is discussed by the example of weathering crust in the North Varyogansky field. During the course of wells operation, hydrocarbon fluid flow through the fracture system and matrix was confirmed; at the same time, calculations using the standard models (taking no account of fractures) were of low confidence.


Key words: unconventional reservoir; Palaeozoic series; silicite and carbonate formations; model; trend; fault; fracture; porosity; permeability; flowrate.

For citation: Geist I.V., Ismagilova A.M., Zaitsev A.V. Weathering crust of Western Siberia: integrated approach to modelling of unconventional object. Geologiya nefti i gaza. 2019;(6):67–74. DOI: 10.31087/0016-7894-2019-6-67-74.



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I.V. Geist

LLC TNNC, Tyumen', Russia;;

A.M. Ismagilova

LLC TNNC, Tyumen', Russia;;

A.V. Zaitsev

LLC TNNC, Tyumen', Russia;;

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