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Якорь 1
A.N. Fishchenko, P.A. Gorbunov, A.I. Kudamanov, M.V. Lebedev, R.S. Mel'nikov, O.A. Sokolovskaya, R.B. Yanevits
Sequence-stratigraphic model and its practical applications: Lower Kotukhtinsky member, North Varyogansky field
DOI 10.31087/0016-7894-2019-6-47-56

The major fields associated with the Upper Jurassic – Neocomian petroleum system in the central and northern parts of West Siberian Plate are already discovered. Therefore, the future trends of resource base buildup are identified with the Lower Jurassic and upper part of Pre-Jurassic series. However, very complicated geological structure is typical of oil and gas promising objects in the mentioned formations; their exploration, prospecting and development require an integrated approach with the use of conceptual geological models of the objects. This paper is devoted to the conceptual modelling of Lower Jurassic basal horizons in the North Varyogansky field. Sequence-stratigraphic modelling of sedimentary basins was the main method of studies, which can be considered as one of the possible implementations of geosystem approach to investigations in these environments. The sedimentary sequence concept in the “Depositional sequence IV” version made the basis of the modelling. This sequence includes the following system tracts: Lowstand Systems Tracts (LST), Transgressive Systems Tracts (TST), Highstand Systems Tracts (HST), and Falling Stage Systems Tracts (FSST). Based on the integrated analysis of the fundamental sequence stratigraphy guidelines, key works on paleogeography of Lower Jurassic in Western Siberia, and results of lithofacies analysis obtained by the authors, they suggested facies models adapted to the exploration target. The modelling results allowed describing the Lower Kotukhtinsky member as vertical series of three following sequences: JV11, JV110–2, JV110–1, having a logical internal structure. The first practical application of the model created was the conceptual prediction of new oil and gas accumulation zones in the north of the Varyogansky mega-swell. These zones are associated with the coarse-grained sand sheets of Lowstand Systems Tracts of JV11, JV110–2 sequences and combination traps associated with the large meander belts in Highstand Systems Tracts of JV110–1 sequence. The second application is local prediction of alluvial reservoirs in Highstand Systems Tracts of JV11, JV110–2 sequences within the seismic cube in the North Varyogansky field.

Key words: sequence-stratigraphy; sequence; system tract; facial unconformity; Lower Kotukhtinsky member; North Varyogansky field.

For citation: Fishchenko A.N., Gorbunov P.A., Kudamanov A.I., Lebedev M.V., Mel'nikov R.S., Sokolovskaya O.A., Yanevits R.B. Sequence-stratigraphic model and its practical applications: Lower Kotukhtinsky member, North Varyogansky field. Geologiya nefti i gaza. 2019;(6):47–56. DOI: 10.31087/0016-7894-2019-6-47-56.


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A.N. Fishchenko

LLC TNNC, Tyumen', Russia;;

P.A. Gorbunov   Scopus

LLC TNNC, Tyumen', Russia;;

A.I. Kudamanov   Scopus

LLC TNNC, Tyumen', Russia;;

M.V. Lebedev

LLC TNNC, Tyumen', Russia;;

R.S. Mel'nikov

LLC TNNC, Tyumen', Russia;;

O.A. Sokolovskaya

LLC TNNC, Tyumen', Russia;;

R.B. Yanevits

LLC TNNC, Tyumen', Russia;;

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