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E.N. Cheremisina, M.Ya. Finkel'shtein, K.V. Deev, E.M. Bol'shakov
GIS INTEGRO. Status and prospects for development in the context of import substitution
DOI 10.31087/0016-7894-2021-3-31-40

The article unveils the potential of GIS INTEGRO — Russian software and technology system, developed by a team of the FSBI "VNIGNI" employees. The created system is a full-featured Geographic Information System similar to the popular in the industry ESRI software packages. In addition, it includes blocks designed to support solving of specific geological and geophysical problems. Particular attention in the article is paid to the latest software developments and near-term plans. New developments include the following: transition to a multi-user mode, carried out using a database mechanism; a variety of tools
to support the integration of different geological and geophysical data in 3D model of the geological environment; storage, visualization, and processing of well data; new implementation of data analysis, etc. In some of the new developments, we have to use parallel computing. The software and technological system allows carrying out a complete cycle of work in a unified interface, starting with information/data input or import by means of variety of methods for processing diverse geological and geophysical information, and ending with formation of resulting layout and printing of deliverables. GIS INTEGRO can fully or partially replace some of the imported software products widely used in geological and geophysical research.

Key words: GIS; multi-user mode; three-dimensional modeling; integration of geological and geophysical data; parallel computing; borehole information; data analysis.

For citation: Cheremisina E.N., Finkel'shtein M.Ya., Deev K.V., Bol'shakov E.M. GIS INTEGRO. Status and prospects for development in the context of import substitution. Geologiya nefti i gaza. 2021;(3):31–40. DOI: 10.31087/0016-7894-2021-3-31-40. In Russ.



1. Cheremisina Ye.N., Finkelstein M.Ya., Lyubimova A.V. GIS INTEGRO — importozameshchayushchii programmnotekhnologicheskii kompleks dlya resheniya geologo-geofizicheskikh zadach [GIS INTEGRO – import substitution software for geological and geophysical tasks]. Geoinformatika. 2018;(3):8–17. In Russ.
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3. Spatial and Geographic objects for PostgreSQL. Available at: (accessed 19.01.2021).
4. Kobrunov A.I. Matematicheskie osnovy teorii interpretatsii geofizicheskikh dannykh [Mathematical foundations of the theory of geophysical data interpretation]. Moscow: TsentRLiTNeftEGaz; 2008. 286 p. In Russ.
5. Drovninov D.A. Vizualizatsiya skvazhinnoi informatsii v GIS INTEGRO [Visualization of borehole information in the GIS INTEGRO]. Geoinformatika. 2018;(3):76–83. In Russ.
6. Deev K.V. Perspektivy razvitiya GIS INTEGRO [Perspective ways of the GIS INTEGRO development]. Geoinformatika. 2020;(1):3–7. In Russ.

E.N. Cheremisina   Scopus
Doctor of Technical Sciences,
Member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences,
Head of Department
All-Russian Research Geological Oil Institute
8, Varshavskoe shosse, Moscow, 117105, Russia

М.Ya. Finkel'shtein   iD
Doctor of Technical Sciences,
Head of Department, Senior Researcher
All-Russian Research
Geological Oil Institute,
8, Varshavskoe shosse, Moscow, 117105, Russia


K.V. Deev    iD
Candidate of Technical Sciences,
Head of Sector
All-Russian Research
Geological Oil Institute,
8, Varshavskoe shosse, Moscow, 117105, Russia


E.M. Bol'shakov   iD
All-Russian Research
Geological Oil Institute,
8, Varshavskoe shosse, Moscow, 117105, Russia

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