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G.A. Cherdantsev, Yu.Yu. Bukhalenkova, V.P. Semenov, I.A. Kushmar, T.V. Rodina
Depositional environment of Upper Permian Taragaisky Formation in south-western part of Vilyuisky Syneclise
DOI 10.31087/0016‑7894‑2020‑-5-55-73

The results of exploration and prospecting completed in recent decades within the south-western part of the Vilyuisky Syneclise have identified the need in more detailed lithofacies zoning of the Upper Permian Play. For these purposes, the authors carried out reconstruction of depositional settings for the Taragaisky Formation, the productivity of which is proved in the central part of the syneclise. Package of investigations carried out included the analysis of geoseismic data interpretation results, paleo-morphological imaging, integrated reinterpretation of well logging data, lithofacies identification using V.S. Muromtsev methodology, as well as analysis of other data obtained from wells. The environment of the Taragaisky Formation accumulation were reconstructed, which are mainly related to evolution of terrigenous fluvial rock association on lowland plain.

Key words: depositional settings; oil and gas geology; Vilyuisky Syneclise; Upper Permian; Upper Permian Play; Taragaisky Formation.

For citation: Cherdantsev G.A., Bukhalenkova Yu.Yu., Semenov V.P., Kushmar I.A., Rodina T.V. Depositional environment of Upper Permian Taragaisky Formation in south-western part of Vilyuisky Syneclise. Geologiya nefti i gaza. 2020;(5):55–73. DOI: 10.31087/0016-7894-2020-5-55-73. In Russ.



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G.A. Cherdantsev  Scopus  iD 
Geological Engineer
АО “Vserossiyskiy neftyanoy nauchno-issledovatel'skiy
geologorazvedochnyy institut” (“VNIGRI”), St. Petersburg, Russia

Yu.Yu. Bukhalenkova   iD 
Leading Geophysical Engineer
АО “Vserossiyskiy neftyanoy nauchno-issledovatel'skiy
geologorazvedochnyy institut” (“VNIGRI”), St. Petersburg, Russia

V.P. Semenov
Candidate of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences,
Leading Research Scientist
АО “Vserossiyskiy neftyanoy nauchno-issledovatel'skiy
geologorazvedochnyy institut” (“VNIGRI”), St. Petersburg, Russia


I.A. Kushmar
Candidate of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences,
Head of Department
АО “Vserossiyskiy neftyanoy nauchno-issledovatel'skiy
geologorazvedochnyy institut” (“VNIGRI”), St. Petersburg, Russia

T.V. Rodina
Candidate of Technical Sciences
Asssistant Professor
Saint-Petersburg Mining University, St. Petersburg, Russia


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