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Якорь 1
V.S. Bochkarev 
Distribution of Precambrian metamorphic rocks, carbonate platforms, and Palaeozoic sedimentary covers of the West Siberian geosyneclise. Methodological and geophysical aspect
DOI: 10.31087/0016-7894-2018-3-49-58

Study of metamorphic shale using SHRIMP-II method allowed revealing the following: the Archean gneiss to the east of the Chelyabinsk graben; the Proterozoic gneiss 2.4 to 0.55 billion years old on the Yamal peninsula, on the right bank of the Gulf of Ob (well Medvezhy-1001), south of the gulf in the column of stratigraphic well Yangitugansky-1, in the Shaimsky petroleum district and to the east of it. Seismic data made it possible to identify two epi-Timanian plates and area of the Baikalian consolidation with the Vendian-Palaeozoic cover running away to the Kara Sea through the Sibiryakov Island. Carbonate platforms, zones of ophiolite and island-arc magmatism alongside with a seismic facies zone of Medium Palaeozoic clay and shale sedimentation are identified basing on paleontology knowledge. It is found that granitization, folding, and regional sea regression started in the central zone of the region and consequently propagated to the margins of the entire Urals-Altai region. Carbonate platforms are identified on the Yamal Peninsula, east of Khanty-Mansiisk (Frolovsky well), in the vicinity of Nizhnevartovsk (the Varyogansky zone), and in the Tomsk district (the Nyurolsky zone). Sea regression started in the late Visean from the zone running through Kurgan and Sugrut. Uralide basement granitization began 325 Ma and finished synchronous with rhyolite volcanism within 265–245 mln years; these events made the basement cratonisation area clear.


Key words: Pre-Jurassic basement; metamorphic rocks; velocity parameters; seismic exploration; Common Depth Point (CDP) method; Correlation Refraction Seismics; Deep Seismic Sounding.


For citation: Bochkarev V.S. Distribution of Precambrian metamorphic rocks, carbonate platforms, and Palaeozoic sedimentary covers of the West Siberian geosyneclise. Methodological and geophysical aspect. Geologiya nefti i gaza. 2018;(3):49–58. DOI: 10.31087/0016-7894-2018-3-49-58.


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V.S. Bochkarev   Scopus

Siberian scientific research organization, Tyumen, Russia;

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