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Viktor A. Skorobogatov is Doctor Geology and Mineralogy, Professor, Cheif Scientific Officer in the Center of Hydrocarbon Resources and Reserves, Gazprom VNIIGAZ LLC. V.A. Skorobogatov is a well-known expert in petroleum geology, geochemistry, and gas fields exploration and prediction.  He participated directly in research and development related to oil and gas genesis, conditions of formation, trends of hydrocarbon fields location, prediction, and prospecting in Russia, China, India, and Vietnam.


Viktor is a recognised expert in quantitative assessment and re-assessment of amount and structure of prospective hydrocarbon resources, monitoring and development of raw materials base of gas production in Russia. He is the Science Editor of the Gas Science News digest (Vesti Gazovoi Nauki).


Author of 285 scientific papers, 11 monographs and one reference book. A number of his papers were included in the fundamental work Big Gas Encyclopedia (2004).

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