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Victor I. Petersilye was born on December 3, 1941. In 1966 he graduated from Moscow Gubkin Institute of Petrochemical and Gas Industry with a degree in Mining Engineering. After graduation, he joined the Laboratory of Reservoir Properties, VNIGNI, and in 1968 was assigned in the Republic of Cuba as an engineer in the group of Soviet petroleum specialists, where he organized a laboratory of petrophysics and was first to study the properties of volcanogenic reservoir rocks. These studies made the basis of the Ph.D. thesis, which Victor successfully defended upon his return to USSR in 1971. In 1976, he founded and headed the laboratory of petrophysics in VNIGNI.


In the period from 1996 to 2011, Victor held the position of Deputy Director General for Scientific Work supervising oil and gas exploration activities. He is currently an advisor to the Director General, head of the Academic Council, chairman of the Dissertation Defence Board in FGBU VNIGNI, and deputy editor-in-chief of the Oil and Gas Geology journal.


Viktor Petersilye is a Dr. habil. in Geology and Mineralogy, Professor, leading specialist in petrophysics, optimization of oil and gas exploration, theory and practice of petrophysical support and increasing the reliability of estimation of variables used to estimate reserves in oil and gas fields.  His authoring methodologies are successfully implemented in building geological models and resources assessment in a number of Russian and foreign oil and gas fields. With his direct involvement, a direction in oil and gas geology has been developed and is being implemented to substantiate poroperm and physical characteristics of rocks for building geological model of reservoir, which ensures a reliable assessment of initial in-place and recoverable oil and gas reserves.


Victor Petersilye is the author of more than 100 scientific publications, recommended practices, four monographs, 13 inventions, and 3 patents. He is a member of the Russian State Reserves Committee (SRC under the RF Ministry of Natural Resources) and the SRC Technical Advisory Board. 



  • The Badge of Honour Order (1990)

  • USSR medals

  • Fourth Class Medal of the Order of Merit for the Motherland

  • Title Honoured Geologist of the Russian Federation (2003)

Honoured Prospector Badge (2011)

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