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S.L. Belousov, S.V. Permyakov, A.A. Sokol'nikova
Petroleum potential of north-western part of Western Siberia
DOI 10.31087/0016-7894-2021-2-93-105

One of key exploration and prospecting trends in the current stage of West Siberian Petroleum Province studies is investigations of its flanks. Western flank zone of the West Siberian megabasin is characterised by geological factors favourable for large hydrocarbon accumulations discovery. Level of geological and geophysical knowledge, features of the Jurassic interval formation, tectonic framework, and evolution of the considered basin throughout geological time are indicative of its great promise. Oil and gas deposits have already been discovered in the area and its periphery; some of them are classified large. The Talinasky field is discovered in the south, and the Yarudeisky — in the north. The deposits belong to different types, they are: combination — in Lower Jurassic sequences; and structural and lithologically screened — in Middle Jurassic. Similar deposits are expected to be found in the Lower-Middle Jurassic series of the study area. Discovery of accumulations is expected in the basal Upper Jurassic horizons, which are composed of Vogulkinsky and Trekhozerny deposits having marine genesis. Further studies of the western part of the West Siberian megabasin are essential for oil and gas exploration and prospecting.

Key words: trap; pool; field; Jurassic deposits; geological and geophysical exploration maturity.

For citation: Belousov S.L., Permyakov S.V., Sokol'nikova A.A. Petroleum potential of north-western part of Western Siberia. Geologiya nefti i gaza. 2021;(2):93–105. DOI: 10.31087/0016-7894-2021-2-93-105. In Russ.


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S.L. Belousov  iD

Tyumen Petroleum Research Center,
79/1, ul. Osipenko, Tyumen, 625000, Russia


S.V. Permyakov  iD
Chief Specialist
Tyumen Petroleum Research Center,
79/1, ul. Osipenko, Tyumen, 625000, Russia

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