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V.A. Baldin, N.Z. Munasypov, T.R. Sharafutdinov
More precise definition of West Siberian Basin borders on Taimyr Peninsula
DOI: 10.31087/0016-7894-2018-3-59-74

Because of low geological and geophysical exploration maturity of Central and Eastern Taimyr, as well as difference of researchers’ opinion on history of the Taimyr evolution and its present-day structure, the eastern border of the West Siberian petroleum province within the Yenisei-Khatangsky regional trough is unclear. Basing on the new 2D CDP seismic data integrated with the other geological and geophysical information, borders of the West Siberian basin on Taimyr are defined more exactly. According to the modern ideas, the Yenisei-Khatangsky deep fault in the Yenisei-Khatangsky regional trough is a suture zone in the Mesozoic between West Siberian Plate and Siberia Platform. Yenisei-Khatangsky regional trough is not defined as a single Mesozoic depression in the modern structural geometry of the Jurassic-Cretaceous formations; it is rather represented by two negative super-order structures — roughly EW trending trenches: Ust-Yeniseisky and Khatangsky. Ob-Laptevsky fault-line ridge obliquely splits the Yenisei-Khatangsky regional trough into two parts having sharply different sedimentation settings in Mesozoic (first of all, Triassic and Neocomian) time. Western part of the Yenisei-Khatangsky regional trough, including the Ust-Yeniseisky trench and Ob-Laptevsky ridge, belongs to the West Siberian Mesozoic mega-basin. Khatanga trench in the south-eastern part of the Yenisei-Khatangsky regional trough is included in the Khatanga-Vilyuisky Mesozoic basin formed as a result of considerable Mesozoic subsidence of the Siberian Platform’s northern margin. Yenisei-Khatangsky regional trough was previously traditionally zoned as the Yenisei-Khatangsky petroleum region of the Yenisei-Anabarsky petroleum province (later the Khatanga-Vilyuisky petroleum province). Studies in the recent years, which were mainly based on CDP and deep drilling data, clearly demonstrated that according to structural features and primary sedimentation, the most part of the Yenisei-Khatangsky petroleum region, including the Ust-Yenisei trench and diagonal system of fault-line mega-swells of the Ob-Laptevsky ridge within the Yenisei-Khatangsky regional trough (Malokhetsky, Rassokhinsky, Balakhninsky) are the constituents of the West Siberian petroleum basin; they form a new petroleum region in the northern Siberia having a high density of prospective HC resources: Ust-Yeniseisky petroleum region of the West Siberian Petroleum Province.


Key words: West Siberian and Khatanga-Vilyuisk petroleum provinces; Yenisei-Khatangsky regional trough; Ob-Laptevsky\ ridge; Ust-Yenisei and Khatanga trenches; Neocomian clinoforms; CDP seismics.


For citation: Baldin V.A., Munasypov N.Z., Sharafutdinov T.R. More precise definition of West Siberian Basin borders on Taimyr Peninsula. Geologiya nefti i gaza. 2018;(3):59–74. DOI: 10.31087/0016-7894-2018-3-59-74.


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V.A. Baldin   Scopus

Geostra Research and Production Center LLC, Ufa, Russia;

N.Z. Munasypov   Scopus

JSC “Bashneftegeofizika”, Ufa, Russia;

T.R. Sharafutdinov   Scopus

Geostra Research and Production Center LLC, Ufa, Russia;

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