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F.R. Babayev, G.S. Martynova, O.P. Maksakova, R.G. Nanajanova
Oil of the Naphtalan field
DOI 10.31087/0016-7894-2018-5-87-94

The paper contains information on geology of the Naphtalan field represented by the Upper Cretaceous to Quaternary deposits. Foraminiferal layers and the Maikopsky formation are the main oil bearing formations. It was found that the Naphtalan therapeutic oil differs from Azerbaijanian fuel oils in terms of both hydrocarbon individual composition and type of content. Composition of the Naphtalan field oil was examined using the state-of-the-art instrumental methods of analysis. It is shown that the majority of the Naphtalan oil samples are classified as B-1b type with predominance of bi-naphthenes. For the first time, the ICP/MS method was used to determine the noble metals. In terms of noble metals content, the Naphtalan oil is superior to the other Absheron fields. It is noted that the distinctive feature of the therapeutic oil is large amount of saturated cyclic hydrocarbons with decahydronaphtalene in their composition (m/z = 95) ≈ 59.68 ÷ 60.12 % unlike fuel oil, where the amount of saturated cyclic hydrocarbons makes ≈ 5.82 ÷ 11.21 %. It was found that the microbial impact on the Naphtalan oil samples causes changes not only in HC content but also in biomarkers. Microbial processes affect not only n- and isoalkane, but also sterane and hopane HC. It is likely that the process of the Maikopsky oil properties change towards formation of non-flammable therapeutic oil was also affected by transgression of the Akchagylsky Sea, which had covered the territory with brackish water that permeated the upper Maikopsky horizons. As a result, physical and chemical and hydrochemical setting have changed towards the general deoxidization and intensification of bacterial redox transformations of petroleum hydrocarbons. Obviously, the Maikopsky Fm productive in the Naphtalan field contains a large amount of foraminifera and ichthyofauna, which influenced the organic composition of biomass that became the therapeutic oil as a result of geochemical transformations.

Key words: Naphtalan oil; chemical composition; geology of a field.

For citation: Babaev F.R., Martynova G.S., Maksakova O.P., Nanajanova R.G. Oil of the Naphtalan field. Geologiya nefti i gaza. 2018;(5):87–94. DOI: 10.31087/0016-7894-2018-5-87-94.


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F.R. Babayev

Azerbaijan Technical University, Baku, Azerbaijan;

G.S. Martynova

Oil and gas Institute of Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences, Baku, Azerbaijan;

O.P. Maksakova

Oil and gas Institute of Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences, Baku, Azerbaijan;

R.G. Nanajanova 

Oil and gas Institute of Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences, Baku, Azerbaijan;

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