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B.S. Aslanov, A.I. Khuduzade, F.B. Aslanzade
Geodynamic settings and prediction of oil and gas occurrence in Yevlakh-Agdzhebedi area (Azerbaijan)
DOI 10.31087/0016-7894-2022-1-25-30

The article discusses geodynamic setting of the pre-Hercynian, Hercynian and Alpine stages, which played key role in the formation of folded Meso-Cenozoic structures in the vicinity of the Yevlakh-Agdzhebedi Petroleum Region. Analyzing structural and tectonic features identified in geological and geophysical 3D models, deep sections, and multidirectional regional survey lines, the authors assume geodynamic situation revealed from geological and geophysical materials in the region affects the following stratigraphic intervals: Permian-Triassic (Basement), Jurassic-Cretaceous-Paleogene, Maykop-Miocene, and Pliocene-Quaternary. By identifying these intervals, it is possible to globally predict the petroleum potential of the provinces. At the same time, tectonic zoning in the vicinity of the Yevlakh-Agdzhebedinsky basin must take into account the results of 3D models visualization, and parametric drilling within the carbonate deposits should be carried out to clarify their composition and oil and gas content.

Key words: stages of geodynamic evolution; Meso-Cenozoic; Cretaceous; Jurassic; Permian-Triassic; Maykop; Chokrak; stratigraphy; lithology.

For citation: Aslanov B.S., Khuduzade A.I., Aslanzade F.B. Geodynamic settings and prediction of oil and gas occurrence in Yevlakh-Agdzhebedi area (Azerbaijan). Geologiya nefti i gaza. 2022;(1):25–30. DOI: 10.31087/0016-7894-2022-1-25-30. In Russ.



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Hi Baylar Aslanov   iD

Doctoral of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences,

Professor, Head of Laboratory
88A, 􀁿􀠯rdabi pr, Baku, A􀁿1012, Azerbaijan
e-mail: beyler􀎛


Hi Arastun Khuduzade iD  
PhD in Geosciences,
Head of Department
PO "Azneft'" GNKAR (SOCAR), 88A, 􀁿􀠯rdabi pr, Baku, A􀁿1012, Azerbaijan
e-mail: a.xuduzade􀎛


Hi Fidan Aslanzade  iD

French-Azerbaijani University,
183, Nizami Str. Baku, A􀁿E1000 Azerbaijan,
e-mail: fidan􀍺aslanzade􀎛

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