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Якорь 1
M.N. Kravchenko, A.V. Lyubimova, E.E. Arbuzova, V.V. Spiridonova
Integrated GIS project for quantification of hydrocarbon resources in the Russian Federation as a platform for creating an integrated module for automated assessment of total initial resources
DOI 10.31087/0016-7894-2021-3-41-49

The article discusses the issues of formation and maintenance of systematiс array of digital cartographic data related to quantitative assessment of hydrocarbon resources of the Russian Federation. The main features of the creating a geoinformation platform to support quantitative assessment procedures are described, including the content and functional of an integrated GIS-project created by means of the GIS INTEGRO software and technology complex. Task statement of subsequent actualization of digital data array taking into account new results of geological exploration and automation of total initial and expected hydrocarbon resources calculation for all the units of geopetroleum zoning is formulated.

Key words: hydrocarbon mineral resource base; oil and gas resources and reserves; the quantitative assessment of hydrocarbon resources; geoinformation technologies.

For citation: Kravchenko M.N., Lyubimova A.V., Arbuzova E.E., Spiridonova V.V. Integrated GIS project for quantification of hydrocarbon resources in the Russian Federation as a platform for creating an integrated module for automated assessment of total initial resources. Geologiya nefti i gaza. 2021;(3):41–49. DOI: 10.31087/0016-7894-2021-3-41-49. In Russ.


1. Zhukov K.A., Kravchenko M.N., Lyubimova A.V. Methodological and technological support of the hydrocarbon resources assessment. Geoinformatika. 2018;(3):27–34. In Russ.
2. Kravchenko M.N., Lyubimova A.V., Arbuzova E.E., Spiridonova V.V. Integrated GIS-project for the quantitative assessment of hydrocarbon resources of the Russian Federation (as of 01.01.2017). Geoinformatika. 2020;(1):8–13. In Russ.
3. Metodicheskoe rukovodstvo po kolichestvennoi i ehkonomicheskoi otsenke resursov nefti, gaza i kondensata Rossii [Methodological guide to quantitative and economic assessment resources of oil, gas and condensate in Russia]. Moscow: VNIGNI; 2000. 189 p. In Russ.

M.N. Kravchenko
Candidate of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences,
Head of Department
All-Russian Research
Geological Oil Institute,
36 Shosse Entuziastov, Moscow, 105118, Russia


A.V. Lyubimova   Scopus
Candidate of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences,
Head of Department
All-Russian Research
Geological Oil Institute,
8, Varshavskoe shosse, Moscow, 117105, Russia


E.E. Arbuzova
Head of Sector
All-Russian Research
Geological Oil Institute,
8, Varshavskoe shosse, Moscow, 117105, Russia


V.V. Spiridonova
All-Russian Research
Geological Oil Institute,
8, Varshavskoe shosse, Moscow, 117105, Russia

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