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D.B. Arakcheev, S.G. Shakhnazarov, L.E. Chesalov
Specifics of the US State System of deep wells recording and accumulation of information associated with them
DOI 10.31087/0016-7894-2019-4-79-88

State accounting system and monitoring of wells condition are the priority tasks for the subsoil use managing authorities. Geological and geophysical data from wells belong to the National Patrimony of the state. Collection and organization of access to well information, including physical media, meets the growing needs of the state and business. The United States is a country close to Russia in terms of acreage, wealth and degree of raw materials base development, and scope of hydrocarbon exploration and production. The authors discuss in detail the features of US legal system in the field of subsoil use, place and role of regional regulatory institutions, experience of the United States and other countries in creation and working of system recording wells and information related to them. Well information is collected and made available to regional regulatory institutions (for instance, state oil and gas commissions) following the short period of confidentiality. The minimum information content for the wells in most states includes the following data: sets of documents relating to all types of permits and well operations (similar to well files); raw geological and geophysical data (results of laboratory and analytical cores studies, well logging, testing of objects, and well tops, layer-by-layer descriptions, etc.); technical and engineering information (well design, perforation intervals, bridges/plugs, etc.); production data (monthly and annual reports); well data base with metadata allowing quick search for objects by certain criteria or group of criteria (formations, administrative referencing, field, etc.) In most cases, the information is stored in the form in which it was received from subsoil users. The authors pay special attention to preservation of core and rock material integrity, and providing public access to the state core repositories. Core storage is usually within the competence of state geological surveys, which work closely with local universities. The paper briefly describes the largest US core repositories. Recommendations were prepared for creation of well information unit in the unified collection of geological information on subsurface resources.

Key words: geological and geophysical information; wells; core; geodata warehouse.

For citation: Arakcheev D.B., Shakhnazarov S.G., Chesalov L.E. Specifics of the US State System of deep wells recording and accumulation of information associated with them. Geologiya nefti i gaza. 2019;(4):79–88. DOI: 10.31087/0016-7894-2019-4-79-88.


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D.B. Arakcheev   Scopus

Rosgeolfond, Moscow, Russia;;

S.G. Shakhnazarov

Rosgeolfond, Moscow, Russia;;

L.E. Chesalov

Gidrospetsgeologiya, Moscow, Russia;;

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