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Якорь 1
D.B. Arakcheev, E.M. Yuon, I.V. Zakharkin, S.G. Shakhnazarov
“Unified Subsurface Geological Information Fund” Federal State Information System: basis for subsoil use digital transformation
DOI 10.31087/0016-7894-2021-3-21-29

The authors discuss the main goals and strategic objectives of the Federal State Information System "Unified Subsurface Geological Information Fund", the establishment of which is prescribed by the Subsoil Law as amended by Federal Law No. 205-FZ dated 29.06.2015. The paper briefly presents the main results achieved in 2016-2020; the possibility to submit electronic geological information to the Fund and to receive it in the same way from the Fund via the Internet are the key consequences for users and the state. Establishment of the Unified Subsurface Geological Information Fund underpins a fundamental digital transformation of the geoscience industry, which is associated with a transfer from document-based management to management based on the processing of formalised, legally relevant datasets. There is also an opportunity to review the business logic of subsoil use processes and their management mechanisms, to implement their optimization and to avoid rudimentary actions, for instance, the formation of exploration maturity records as mandatory documents of a delivery set or mandatory simultaneous submission of identical electronic and hardcopy documents.

Key words: Unified Subsurface Geological Information Fund; Federal State Information System; automated system of subsoil use licensing; Rosgeolfond.

For citation: Arakcheev D.B., Yuon E.M., Zakharkin I.V., Shakhnazarov S.G. “Unified Subsurface Geological Information Fund” Federal State Information System: basis for subsoil use digital transformation. Geologiya nefti i gaza. 2021;(3):21–29. DOI: 10.31087/0016-7894-2021-3-21-29. In Russ.



1. Arakcheev D.B., Yuon E.M. Rosgeolfond: ot arkhiva k tsifrovomu upravleniyu nedropol’zovaniem [Rosgeolfond: from archive to digital subsurface management]. Nedropolzovanie XXI vek. 2018;(5):70–77. In Russ.
2. O nedrakh [Subsoil Law]. In: Zakon Rossiiskoi Federatsii ot 21 fevralya 1992 g. N 2395-I (stat’ya 27.1). In Russ.
3. Ob utverzhdenii Trebovanii k soderzhaniyu geologicheskoi informatsii o nedrakh i formy ee predstavleniya [Approval of the Requirements for the content of geological information on subsoil and the form of its submission]. Prikaz Minprirody Rossii ot 29.02.2016 № 54 (red. ot 07.08.2020). In Russ.
4. Ob utverzhdenii Perechnei pervichnoi geologicheskoi informatsii o nedrakh i interpretirovannoi geologicheskoi informatsii o nedrakh, predstavlyaemykh pol’zovatelem nedr v federal’nyi fond geologicheskoi informatsii i ego territorial’nye fondy, fondy geologicheskoi informatsii sub”ektov Rossiiskoi Federatsii po vidam pol’zovaniya nedrami i vidam poleznykh iskopaemykh [Approval of the lists of raw geological data on subsoil and interpreted geological information on subsoil submitted by a subsoil user to the federal fund of geological information and its territorial funds, funds of geological information of constituents of the Russian Federation by type of subsoil use and type of mineral resources]. In: Prikaz Ministerstva prirodnykh resursov i ehkologii RF ot 24 oktyabrya 2016 g. № 555. In Russ.

D.B. Arakcheev   Scopus
Candidate of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences,
Director General
38, 3rd Magistralnaya ul., Moscow, 125993, Russia

E.M. Yuon
Deputy General Director
38, 3rd Magistralnaya ul.,Moscow, 125993, Russia


I.V. Zakharkin
Head of Administration
38, 3rd Magistralnaya ul.,Moscow, 125993, Russia


S.G. Shakhnazarov
Deputy Head of Administration
38, 3rd Magistralnaya ul.,Moscow, 125993, Russia

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