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Якорь 1
V.S. Andreev, I.A. Biserkin, E.M. Bol'shakov, G.M. Dovydenko, N.N. Pimanova, E.Yu. Sokolova, V.A. Spiridonov, A.L. Shpektorov
Morphostructural and physical characteristics of magmatic formations within Yenisei-Khatanga Trough: new results of geophysical data analysis
DOI 10.31087/0016-7894-2021-6-83-105

The authors present the results of geophysical data integrated analysis for the central part of the Yenisei-Khatanga Regional Trough, which was carried out during the course of building its three-dimensional density model. The focus is on important elements of the deep-seated architecture: volcanic sequences related to the geodynamic activation at the turn of Palaeozoic and Mesozoic eras. Data of regional 2D CDP and Magnetotelluric Sounding surveys are interpreted with a support of gravity and magnetic fields based zoning, 2D/3D geophysical inversion, and igneous complexes classification. New materials were obtained to update structural and tectonic models of the Yenisei-Khatanga Regional Trough, namely: areas of buried tuff basalt occurrence and a belt of flank intrusions localized according to depth and identified according to their composition in the sections created along the survey lines are delineated. The authors discuss possibilities of using the results of this analysis in prospecting for potential hydrocarbon traps associated with magmatic structures and as additional constraints on hypotheses on the stages of the Yenisei-Khatanga Regional Trough formation.

Key words: Yenisei-Khatanga Trough; deep structure of oil and gas bearing regions; magmatic products of Siberian superplume; integrated analysis of geophysical data; 2D and 3D inversion.

For citation: Andreev V.S., Biserkin I.A., Bol'shakov E.M., Dovydenko G.M., Pimanova N.N., Sokolova E.Yu., Spiridonov V.A., Shpektorov A.L Morphostructural and physical characteristics of magmatic formations within Yenisei-Khatanga Trough: new results of geophysical data analysis. Geologiya nefti i gaza. 2021;(6):83–105. DOI: 10.31087/0016-7894-2021-6-83-105. In Russ.



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Vladimir S. Andreev
Candidate of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences,
Leading researcher
All-Russian Research
Geological Oil Institute,
8, Varshavskoe shosse, Moscow, 117105, Russia


Igor’ A. Biserkin   iD
Candidate of Technical Sciences,
Leading Researcher
All-Russian Research
Geological Oil Institute,
8, Varshavskoe shosse, Moscow, 117105, Russia


Egor M. Bol'shakov   iD
All-Russian Research
Geological Oil Institute,
8, Varshavskoe shosse, Moscow, 117105, Russia


Gennadii M. Dovydenko  iD
Senior Researcher
All-Russian Research
Geological Oil Institute,
8, Varshavskoe shosse, Moscow, 117105, Russia


Nadezhda N. Pimanova
Candidate of Technical Sciences,
Leading Researcher
All-Russian Research
Geological Oil Institute,
8, Varshavskoe shosse, Moscow, 117105, Russia


Elena Yu. Sokolova   Scopus   iD

Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences,
Leading Researcher
All-Russian Research
Geological Oil Institute,
8, Varshavskoe shosse, Moscow, 117105, Russia,
Schmidt Institute of Physics of the Earth
of the Russian academy of sciences,
10 build. 1, B. Gruzinskaya, Moscow, 123242, Russia

Viktor A. Spiridonov   iD
Candidate of Technical Sciences,
Head of Sector
All-Russian Research
Geological Oil Institute,
8, Varshavskoe shosse, Moscow, 117105, Russia


Andrei L. Shpektorov
Senior Researcher
All-Russian Research
Geological Oil Institute,
8, Varshavskoe shosse, Moscow, 117105, Russia

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