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Якорь 1
A.A. Ahmad
Integration of 3D seismic and production data: methodology and results by the example of Jar oilfield
DOI 10.31087/0016-7894-2022-3-55-65

The study is aimed at building 3D geostatistical model with the use of seismic data and log diagram integration to describe reservoir properties and for the purposes of further development of Lower Jurassic К1 reservoir in the Jar oilfield. During the course of this work, 18 wells were selected for building geological and petrophysical models in the Petrel™ software system. In the Kazan Federal University, the Petrel™ is being supported by the Syrian Petroleum Company (SPC), which provided the initial data set for this study. The procedure of 3D geological model creation for the Jar oilfield mainly involved structural modelling and calculation of reservoir parameters using various algorithms. Structural modelling showed that the Jar oilfield is divided into three blocks (01, 02 and 03) separated by major faults. Modelling of reservoir properties demonstrated that the deposits of К1 reservoir in the Jar field belong to good reservoirs having favourable petrophysical properties (high porosity and low water saturation) and high oil content in economically feasible amount. The 3D model represents the detailed zoning and vertical interbedding architecture of K1 reservoir in the Jar oilfield. The 3D geological model is essential for the Jar oilfield development, assessment of its production potential, and development optimization. In particular, it can be used in prediction of К1 reservoir shape and dimensions, reservoir lateral persistence and connectivity, and internal inhomogeneity of oil reservoir in the Jar field.

Key words: three-dimensional (3D) model; geostatistical model; oil reservoir; seismic exploration; Syria.

For citation: Ahmad A.A. Integration of 3D seismic and production data: methodology and results by the example of Jar oilfield. Geologiya nefti i gaza. 2022;(3):55–65. DOI: 10.31087/0016-7894-2022-3-55-65. In Russ.

Funding: The work carried out at the expense of the subsidy allocated within the framework of the state support of the Kazan Federal University in order to increase its competitiveness among the world's leading scientific and educational centers.



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Al Ali Ahmad  iD

Postgraduate Student
Kazan (Volga region) Federal University,
4/5, ul. Kremlevskaya, Kazan, 420008, Russia,

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