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Якорь 1
A.P. Afanasenkov, A.M. Kirsanov, A.A. Chikishev
Lithology, porosity and permeability of Jurassic-Cretaceous reservoirs in Gydan and Yenisei-Khatanga petroleum provinces
DOI 10.31087/0016-7894-2019-1-43-54

The paper discusses possibilities of abiotic generation of oil substance, and the effect of this process on environmental situation. Methane is the main hydrocarbon-containing component of fluids and original substance for oil hydrocarbons generation. During the course of deep-seated flows evolution and movement towards the Earth’s surface, methane undergoes polymerization transformations to oil hydrocarbons of various types and molecular weight. These processes occur because of the fact that in addition to methane, depth fluids contain components having catalytic properties necessary for such transformations. Such a component of fluids is, above all, elemental sulphur. As a result of methane polymerization transformations under its catalytic effect, hydrocarbons, asphalt-resin and organosulphur components of oils of various types and molecular weight are formed. As a consequence of the impact of sulphur on a hydrocarbon system, and sulfur and methane entrainment in oil and gas, oil becomes a system that concentrates sulphur. Taking into account the strong greenhouse effect of methane and the poisoning effect of sulphur on biological systems, the involvement of these depth fluid components in the process of oil generation contributes to the formation of a favourable environmental situation on Earth.


Key words: Yenisei-Khatanga regional trough; Gydan, Yenisei-Khatanga oil and gas bearing areas; West Siberian oil and gas bearing basin; porosity and permeability; reservoir; net thickness; well logging; petrophysics.

For citation: Afanasenkov A.P., Kirsanov A.M., Chikishev A.A. Lithology, porosity and permeability of Jurassic-Cretaceous reservoirs in Gydan and Yenisei-Khatanga petroleum provinces. Geologiya nefti i gaza. 2019;(1):43–54. DOI: 10.31087/0016-7894-2019-1-43-54.


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A.P. Afanasenkov   Scopus

FGBU “All-Russian Research Geological Oil Institute”, Moscow, Russia;

Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia;

A.M. Kirsanov   Scopus

FGBU “All-Russian Research Geological Oil Institute”, Moscow, Russia;

A.A. Chikishev

FGBU «All-Russian Research Geological Oil Institute», Moscow, Russia;

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