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G.A. Abbasov, N.A. Atakishieva, L.B. Kurbanzade
Preparation of proposals for efficient use of associated waters produced with oil in oil fields of the Absheron Peninsula
DOI 10.31087/0016-7894-2022-4-65-72

The article is devoted to the scientific substantiation of the economic, ecological, medical and social significance of various components extraction from the formation water produced during the development of oil and gas condensate fields in the Absheron Peninsula. State of the art in oil extraction equipment and technologies makes it possible to produce only a part of oil from oil fields. It is known that in the first stage of oil production, the profitability of field development is high. Over time, the amount of oil in the borehole fluid decreases, the amount of formation water increases, and the cost of oil production and its cost increase, so oil production requires a lot of financial costs for final depletion of the field. As the oil fields in the Absheron Peninsula are in the final stages of development, the absolute and relative amount of produced water in the borehole fluids is large and water content increases over time. Given the declining efficiency of oil production over time, the discovery of new natural resources in fields could help to increase oil revenues, which may contribute to increased oil revenues, which may increase the efficiency of natural resources use and reduce the cost of oil produced.

Key words: production; field; reservoir; hydrochemistry; associated/produced/formation water; studies; prediction; microcomponent; salt; water sample; sediment; channel; lake.

For citation: Abbasov G.A., Atakishieva N.A., Kurbanzade L.B Preparation of proposals for efficient use of associated waters produced with oil in oil fields of the Absheron Peninsula. Geologiya nefti i gaza. 2022;(4):65–72. DOI: 10.31087/0016-7894-2022-4-65-72. In Russ.



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Qasim Abbas Abbasov  iD

Head of Laboratory
"OilGasScientificResearchProject" Institute of SOCAR,
88A, Zərdabi pr, Baku, AZ1122, Azerbaijan

Nailya Ali Atakishieva  iD

Senior Researcher
"OilGasScientificResearchProject" Institute of SOCAR,
88A, Zərdabi pr, Baku, AZ1122, Azerbaijan

Lala Bagir Kurbanzade  iD

"OilGasScientificResearchProject" Institute of SOCAR,
88A, Zərdabi pr, Baku, AZ1122, Azerbaijan

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