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Kasparov O.S., Khlebnikov P.A., Varlamov A.I., Kiselev E.A., Melnikov P.N., Soloviev B.A.

The assessment of oil and gas geological exploration state within Russia and Russian continental shelf during the period between the VIIth and VIIIth All-Russian Congresses of Geologists (2012-2016)

In December 2015 the Government of the Russian Federation made a decision to hold the 8th

All-Russian Congress of Geologists in October 2016. The previous Congress took place in October 2012. The paper characterizes general outcomes of oil and gas geological exploration that took place within Russia and Russian continental shelf during the period between the VII and VIII All-Russian Congresses of Geologists.

Varlamov A.I. Present state and further development of crude oil basis of the Russian Federation in the light of current challenges

Main characteristics of crude oil basis of our country playing most important role in its economics are discussed, such as bulk production, rates of increase of commercial (profitable) reserves, oil and gas exploration activities, etc. The data on the amount of exploration works are analyzed. Licensing issues are addressed. Based on express-analysis of the crude oil basis state and factors controlling its development the trends the author shows that oil extraction is insufficiently compensated by new commercial reserves. The need is asserted for essential improvement of the oil and gas exploration practice and strengthening the role of state agencies in this industry necessary for securing the country crude material production.

Gavrilov V.P.  Forecast for potential trends of russian and global energy complex development

Natural gas jets (flares) presence on the sea floor is substantiated. In particular, it was noticed in the Crimean peninsula shelf. Large jets discharge is comparable with world annual methane production, therefore their leading part in the energy balance of Russia and the world is assumed in the near future. This allows to predict considerable decrease in oil and coal extraction as it could be replaced with natural jets.

Grunis E.B., Barkov S.L., Epifanov A.A., Mishina I.E. Present Russian hydrocarbon resources potential and urgent issues for oil and gas geology

The paper considers geological exploration results for Russian oil and gas provinces, the issues for geological efficiency of the conducted research and reserves increase in Russian oil and gas provinces and increase on a national scale during recent 10-year periods and 2015. Geological efficiency of the conducted research and the reserves increase were analyzed on the basement of holding materials on oil provinces for 1931-2015 and the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment State Reports On present state and exploitation of mineral resources in the Russian Federation (2013, 2014).


Brekhuntsov A.M., Nesterov I.I., Nechiporuk L.A., Shabalina T.D., Teploukhova E.N.

Current hydrocarbon resources potential of Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug. Review of 2015


The article considers the structure of total initial resources for the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug. New deposits and reserves development as a result of geological exploration in 2015 are presented. The data for the deposits brought into exploitation and the volume of raw hydrocarbons extracted in 2015 is provided. In the article a special emphasis is paid on the necessity  to develop complex program covering the issues for geological exploration, deposits exploitation, technical infrastructure development and raw hydrocarbons transfer to Russian and international markets. Broad-scale exploitation of new oil and gas regions within the Yamalo-Nenets District and traffic arteries construction to connect the regions with Russian and international markets meet the strategy of the country.


Kaminskii V.D., Suprunenko O.I., Medvedeva T.Iu., Chernykh A.A. Current issues for the development of geology and major results of geological exploration in Russian shelf


460 thousand km of the Russian continental shelf were studied with 2D seismic survey funded publicly and by license holders, and license holders funded more than 80 thousand km2 of 3D  seismic survey (more than 35 thousand km2 are located in the arctic seas). Total drilling area exceeded 250 thousand m in the period, including approximately 100 thousand m for exploration drilling and 150 thousand m for prospecting. Conducted geological exploration provided no opportunity to substantiate oil-gas-bearing capacity of the shelf and construct more efficient quantitative estimate of hydrocarbon resources for  most promising arctic seas. Lack of marine drilling facilities after sanctions brought about a suggestion that geological prospecting should be concentrated in the Laptev Sea. There Russian ground drilling facilities could be used and discovered oil and gas deposits (liquefied natural gas) would be demanded in the Asian Pacific region in the near future.


Savitskii A.V., Gretskaia E.V., Rybak-Franko Iu.V., Soloviev A.V. Geological exploration prospects for abyssal sedimentary basins in the Bering Sea and the Pacific Ocean


Extensive research and exploitation of abyssal deposits goes back to the 1970s. The deepest abyssal deposit was discovered in the Bay of Bengal. The structure of productive sediments complexes depends on the geological structure of continental margin. The Cenozoic deposits are often represented with continental slope lithofacies (they are fossil channels, rain channels, detrital cones, turbidite deposits, landslide complexes). The article considers geological structure and oil-gas-bearing capacity of the slope-abyssal sedimentary basins in the Bering Sea and the Pacific Ocean.


Grigoriev M.N. New approaches to the assessment of hydrocarbon resources involvement in economic turnover and raw materials production security


The paper presents a new approach to the estimation of hydrocarbon resources potential involvement in exploitation. The assessment of raw materials relevance and the features of their involvement in economic turnover was made more accurate. The paper suggests the ways to estimate materials production security provided for different groups of resources. Optimal production development complex was determined. The approach was tested on the construction of strategic planning documents for Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment of the Russian Federation and leading oil companies. The approach is universal and it could be applied for different types of natural resources management.


Lazeev A.N., Gaiduk A.V., Gnutova E.N., Nikitin Iu.I., Popov V.G., Streltsov T.M., Fitschenko A.N., Khairullina E.A. JSC "NK "Rosneft" geological exploration. Results, accomplishments, plans


The paper presents volumetric data of JSC "NK "Rosneft" geological exploration in 2015 and the most significant results of geological exploration and scientific research obtained by "NK "Rosneft" for the company's license areas in Russia during the recent years.


Bochkov A.S., Vashkevich A.A. Long-term program for technological development in the field of “Geological exploration and Resources potential increase technology“

Resources potential increase is one of the most essential factors for the fulfillment of JSC "Gazprom Neft" development strategy. To accomplish it the article suggests among other measures to develop new geological exploration technology.

Staroseltsev V.S. Predsette-Dabana post-Riphean organic-rich horizons

Organic-rich clayey horizons of the Inikanskaya formation and vesicular carbonates of the Khochomskaya formation are spread in the Eastern Aldan anteclise up to Sette-Daban foothills. Their presence on different levels of the section revealed by Ust-Maiskaya-366 stratigraphic well was substantiated. Paleoclimatic and paleotectonic conditions of their formation were character-ized. Subsurface spreading zones for potential  large hydrocarbon accumulations formation were outlined.

Petersilie V.I., Komar N.V. The algorithm for shale oil reserves assessment with volumetric methods

The paper suggests the algorithm for shale oil deposits’ reserves assessment using the complex of geological-geophysical data including primarily geotechnical survey data, nuclear logging data etc. The authors believe the algorithm should be tested on shale oil deposits with base wells drilling and extensive complex of geotechnical  survey, well logging, core samples collection and analysis and formation testing with the help of wireline services and casing. Afterwards the method could be improved and detailed.

Bogoyavlenskiy V.I., Dzyublo A.D., Ivanov A.N., Bogoyavlenskiy I.V , Nikonov R.A. Oil and gas potential of the crystalline basement of the Vietnam Shelf: White Tiger and Dragon

The geodynamic arrangement in the South China Sea situated in the junction zone of Eurasian, Pacific and Indo-Australian tectonic plates was analyzed on the basis of seismologic and gravimetric data. The detailed structural 3D-model of crystalline basement based on 2D, 3D seismic data and drilling results has been built for Vietsovpetro block 09-1, which includes White Tiger, Dragon and South-East Dragon fields. For the first time the catagenesis scheme of sedimentary bottom has been created. According to the sediment structure and catagenesis analysis of White Tiger and Dragon fields the existence of direct contacts between fractured crystalline basement reservoirs and oil-source rocks with anomalously high reservoir pressure in Cuu Long Basin is main exploration criteria. As a result of such contacts the real time resource replenishment in crystalline basement reservoirs can take place.

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