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Solovjev B.A., Kondratjev A.N. Present state and development trends for geologic exploration and prospects for unexplored hydrocarbon potential realization for Volga-Ural oil and gas province


The results of geologic exploration conducted during last decade at the expense of all funding sources on the territory of the Volga-Ural oil and gas province were analysed and the state
of present resource base of hydrocarbon raw materials of the region was estimated. The trend for the province oil potential transformation to explored reserves is characterized. Oil reserves increase in 2003-2004 was provided by the discovery of numerous small deposits. The involve-ment of new areas into development produced no successful results. Short-term goals are to complete the exploration of “old” regions of the province and to develop oil and gas resources of the Pre-Ural depression and Uralian frontal folds. Thereafter non-traditional sources (high-viscous oil and bitumen) and domanikoids should be developed.


Eremin N.A., Zinovkina T.S., Sokolova T.F. Oil and gas prospects and hydrocarbon production potential for the northern part of Sandivey high of the Khoreyver depression of Timano-Pechora plate


The exploration results analysis allowed to prove new oil deposits located within the limits for oil and gas complexes with already confirmed oil-bearing capacity in the investigated area. 11 oil promising anticline structures were revealed. According to geological, geophysical and petroleum operations data reserves and resources of the revealed deposits and structures were assessed. Drilling of the prospecting boreholes is planned based on the results of the investigation.



Kasyanova N.A., Levchenko V.S., Vorontsova I.V., Anisimov L.A., Popova P.F., Golenkin M.Yu., Khaliullov I.R. Present fracture flow paths investigation in Volga-Neokom part of the reservoir of Yury Korchagin deposit according to location and geo-fluid-dynamic survey data


On the basement of conducted survey results geological flow model of Volga-Neokom part of the reservoir was detailed for the present system of Korchagin deposit development. In the reservoir the system of present vertical and horizontal fracture flow paths was revealed, which provides hydrodynamic connection around the whole reservoir volume. Also lack of effective screening
properties of clay cap rock between the Volga and the Neokom productive sediments was defined.


Samoylenko I.Yu., Sianisyan E.S. Gas potential of Yeyskaya area on the basement of new methods of geological and geophysical data analysis


Oil and gas potential of Yeyskaya area (including Yeysk peninsula and adjacent water area of the Azov sea) was substantiated. The authors suggested the methodology of the impartial assess-ment of the methods applied before and the results obtained with these methods in order to substantiate the conclusions made about the potential of the area. Selection algorithm for optimum methods complex for hydrocarbon prospects assessment was described. The prospects of Yeyskaya area were mapped and gas resources of the defined structures were assessed on the basement of drilling and seismic survey data interpretation.


Yakovlev A.O., Samchuk I.N. Structural and formation features of hydrocarbon deposits of the Permian halogen-carbonaceous strata in the south-eastern part of the Dnepr-Donezk depression as an indicator for gas-bearing capacity of carboniferous deposits


In the article the possibility to discover hydrocarbon deposits in the rocks of the Carboniferous period is considered, the deposits of the Lower Permian Bakhmut series are used as an indicator.


Zelinko K.M., Aleksahin Yu.G., Zaytseva S.A., Polovinkin O.M. Research methods for the jointing of the Hamra quartzite of the Berkin sedimentary Basin


В статье приведены результаты анализа естественной трещиноватости кварцитовых отложений нефтегазового месторождения Алжирской Сахары. В рамках изучения плотного коллектора применялись различные геолого-геофизические методы. В результате сопоставления интерпретации сейсморазведки, геофизических исследований скважин, гидродинамических исследований и отбора керна установлены интервалы трещиноватости кварцитовых отложений и предложены меры по дальнейшему изучению трещиноватости пласта.




Lodzhevskaya M.I. Quantative assessment of oil and gas bearing capacity from the point of abyssal origin of hydrocarbons


The paper presents data on the changes of the structure of the initial total hydrocarbon resources with time, annual and accumulated output, explored and preliminary assessed reserves, promis-ing and predicted resources in oil and gas regions in terms of abyssal hydrocarbon origin. It was shown that during last years large deposits are still discovered, the occurrence of the productive oil and gas horizons is deepening (up to 10.5 km), abyssal range on oil and gas bearing capacity is widening up to 5-7 km, oil and gas accumulation nodes are forming, decompaction zones are detected in the wave geophysical field (under oil and gas deposits), controlled by abyssal faults.
The scale of constant hydrocarbon formation because of abyssal processes is incomparable to the scale of permanent formation at the expense of hydrocarbon transformation, it does not
provide concentration and dissipation of hydrocarbons of different categories in the crust.


Goryunov E.Yu., Ignatov P.A., Klimentieva D.N., Khalikov A.N., Kravchenko M.N. The show of present hydrocarbon inflow into oil and gas complexes in the Volga-Ural oil and gas province


The article presents data on the Volga-Ural oil and gas province. The data confirms present hydrocarbon inflow resulted in the accumulation recovery for certain mined deposits. Adduced
data on strata temperatures and sulfur content in oil show different ages in the region. The deposits associated with discontinuous dislocations were considered, which are characterized
with total accumulated output exceeding geological reserves in several times.




Popov V.G., Abdrakhmanov R.F. Geochemistry and genesis of desalted brines of the Turneysk upper Devonian oil and gas copmlex of the Solikamsk depression


Geochemical and genetic classification of brines of the Volga-Ural oil and gas area is presented. The paper is focused on geochemical features of desalted brines of the Fransko-Turneysk reefogenic complex that form hydrochemical inversions in stratosphere of the Solikamsk depress-ion. Its origin is associated with the processes of water distillation into hydrocarbon-gas phase in deep subsurface of the Pre-Ural depression and the Ural and following steam-gas fluid conden-sation in the area of lower pressure and temperature conditions. The authors conducted compa-rative analysis for geochemical criteria of condensatogenic waters of the geological structures of platform and piedmont types of different ages. From the perspective of conden-satogenic concept the explanation for gas-condensate and oil-gas deposits association with desalted brines and for physical-chemical features of the oils of the Fransko-Turneysk complex is given.

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