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Kharakhinov V.V. Ancient West-Siberian rifts and their oil-gas bearing capacity


The paper presents the characteristics of the structure and oil-gas bearing capacity of the Riphean rifts and rift-related systems in the Western Siberia including thoroughly studied Kuyumbinsky and Irkineevsky rifts. The characteristics were made on the basement of accumulated and obtained recently geological exploration data.

Naumova M.N. Hydrocarbon systems analysis and oil-gas prospects for the North-Western Black sea water area according to complex methods

The paper considers geological structure and oil-gas prospects for the North-Western Black Sea Water Area. Basin modeling reconstructed basin submersion history and heating model, determined the level of maturity for all the distinguished oil-gas source strata and potential hydrocarbon accumulation locations. Obtained results provided a basis for prospecting borehole location and determination of geological exploration direction within Lukoil license areas in the Black Sea.



Burshtein L.M., Grekova L.S. Statistical method for quantitative oil-gas prospects prediction (at the example of J1 horizon in the Western Siberia)


The article suggests quantitative assessment method for hydrocarbon resources of objects located in structural traps of oil-gas regions. The quantitative probabilistic assessment is presented for oil-gas prospects of J1 horizon within the Tomsk region territory.



Dzyublo A.D., Shnip O.A., Altukhov E.E., Tscherbakova A.Iu. Lithologic-geophysical characteristics for the Daginsk horizon rocks of the South-Kirinskoe field


The article presents the quantitative assessment for reservoirs volume parameters according to Schlumberger geophysical well logging complex for the open borehole and LWD research during drilling. Complex methods included the following types of logging, they are gamma (integral and spectral), induced potential, caliper-profile, multiplesonde electric, neutron, acoustic, gamma-gamma litho-density, spectral neutron, thermometry, mud and inclinometry of 3D seismic survey. The article provides the results of electron microscopy and X-ray-structural analysis. The regularities in hierarchical organization of section’s physical properties change were studied according to geophysical well logging data. The use of principle components allowed to distinguish and locate facies more efficiently. Enlargement of geophysical model was substan-tiated and basement for hydrodynamic model was provided. Obtained results could be used to design more detailed deposit’s geological and filtration model.



Shestakova N.I., Ershov S.V. Seismic model of the Upper Jurassic sediments of the Yenisei-Khatanga regional trough and adjacent areas of the West Siberian plate


Conceptual seismic model of the Upper Jurassic sediments of the Yenisei-Khatanga regional trough and adjacent areas of the West Siberian plate was proposed based on the integrated interpretation of seismic data, results of well logging, and faunal determinations using seismic-stratigraphic and sequence-stratigraphic methods. Seismic sequences have been distinguished corresponding to the sequences of the second and the third order, seismic reflectors controlling boundaries of sequences and maximum flooding surfaces have been stratified and correlated, microclinoform structure of the third order sequences has been revealed.




Kopilevich E.A., Skvortsov M.B., Surova N.D., Kuznetsov G.V. New methods for regional forecast of highly productive Bazhenov reservoirs in Western Siberia


The paper presents a new method for the prediction of promising highly productive Bazhenov reservoirs distribution in the crosshole space. The method uses spectral-time seismic record parametrization based on well discharge record.

Antonovskaia T.V. The Domanik horizon - the principle oil-gas source complex of the Timan-Pechora province

The paper is devoted to the urgent issue of depression domanik complex preservation as it is the principle oil and gas source strata of the Timan-Pechora province. It feeds with hydrocarbons all the overlying hypsometric deposits in the terrigene and carbonateous oil-gas complexes from the mid-Ordovician – Lower Devonian carbonaceous to the Triassic terrigene ones. Detailed characteristics is presented for non-depression domanik oil deposits. The author suggests the ways of oil-gas objects exploration that do not invoke horizontal drilling with hydro-breaking invasion in the source rock of the depression domanil deposits in the Timan-Pechora province.


Yashchenko I.G.,  Peremitina T.O., Luchkova S.V. Investigation of physical and chemical properties of sulphurous oils using factor analysis and principal components analysis

The world reserves of easily extracted, light and low-viscosity oil are believed virtually exhausted. Required growth of oil production mainly could be provided only with the hard extracted reserves, which include sulphurous oil. Therefore the research of distribution features, geological conditions of occurrence and physical and chemical properties of sulphurous oil in the oil and gas basins and on a global scale are relevant. Spatially distributed and statistical analysis of the properties of sulphurous oil have been conducted, their features have been identified in basins of different geotectonic types with the help of global databases on physical and chemical oil properties from Institute of Petroleum Chemistry SB RAS. The results of this comprehensive analysis are presented in the article.


Afanasenkov A.P., Senin B.V., Leonchik M.I. Refinement of petrogeological zonation model of the Russian Arctic shelf in light of modern geological and geophysical data

The proposed improved configuration model of provinces and areas on the Eurasian Arctic shelf, adjacent transit zones, and areas of the North Ocean is based on the analysis of results obtained in of oil and gas prospecting and other geological & geophysical studies in the region as in the early at the start of the year 2015. The criterion of hydrocarbon system integrity is considered together with a series of classic zoning criteria; and the necessity to work out a better grounded and more exact definition of petrogeological zonation units and their boundaries applicable for both on-land and offshore provinces is shown.

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