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Yuryeva Z.P. Position of oil pools in the sections of the Lower Devonian deposits (the Timan-Pechora province)


Lithological features of the Lower Devonian deposits and their cyclic structure are described in the paper. Oil reservoir relations with definite parts of sedimentary cycles were analyzed. Tectonic and lithological peculiarities allowed to clarify oil reservoirs arrangement. Presence of safe pool caps and heightened fracturing of rocks are the main conditions for oil reservoir formation.


Gatina N.N., Gavrilov S.S., Gorbunova A.O., Kim O.O., Tikhomirov E.V. Application of sismic-sedimentological investigations for non-anticline traps mapping at the example of the south-eastern slope of Srednemessoyakhsky bar


The authors used complex methods of seismic-sedimentological research, carried out in the territory of the slope of Srednemessoyakhsky bar. Detailed seismic facial zoning was carried
out for strata BU21-22 interval based on the sedimentological reinterpretation of core data. On the border with the Bolshekhetskaya depression there are several generations of turbidite
detrital cones gradually overlapping each other. Due to mainly sandy content of the cones, they can significantly increase resource potential of the area.


Zunde D.A., Popov I.P. Stratification methodology for continental deposits at the example of Pokur suite beds


Pokur suite is the most difficult part for correlation of West Siberian Cretaceous deposits because suite’s layers are characterized by complex facial structure and high heterogeneity both laterally and along the section. The proposed technique is based on the sequence stratigraphy method, which uses stratigraphic unconformities boundaries to correlate. Identification of these borders data allows to create stratigraphic framework of the suite, predict the size and shape of geological bodies and build a 3D grid for geological model.


Entsov I.I. About making structural maps in the preoverthrust zone Vuktil oil-gascondensate field


На Вуктыльском нефтегазоконденсатном месторождении, одном из крупейших месторождений мира, в связи с длительностью разработки, происходит истощение запасов УВ. Поэтому со всей остротой стоит вопрос об их возобновлении и приросте за счет прилегающих территорий. Одними из перспективных объектов прироста запасов нефти и газа являются выделяемые автором статьи в преднадвиговой зоне Вуктыльского месторождения средне- и верхнефаменские рифы и структуры их облекания. Для построения структурных карт по основным маркирующим горизонтам (ОГ), IIt - кровля турнейского яруса и Iar - кровля нижнеартинских карбонатных отложений, использовались корреляционные зависимости между временами прохождения упругих волн, мощностью отложений и абсолютными отметками. Составлены два варианта структурных карт по ОГ Iar и IIt. Для подтверждения намеченной автором статьи зоны развития рифов и структур их облекания предлагается пробурить скважины вкрест простирания предполагаемых структур.




Kuzmin V.A., Mikhaylov N.N., Skibitskaya N.A., Gurbatova I.P., Motorova K.A. Results of the electron-microscopic research on the impact of microstructural factors of reservoir space on the oil saturation pattern


The Vuktil oil-gas-condensate field, one of the world’s most productive ones in the past, now is facing a depletion of hydrocarbon reserves. The author considers new prospects of this deposit associated with the adjacent territories formed by reefs. The research is focused on making structural maps in the preoverthrust zone of the field, the middle-famennian and upper-famennian reefs and their coating structures. Two options of structural maps were drafted into the main marker horizons of the reef development zone: ОГ IIt – the roof of the tournaisian stage and Iar – the roof of the lower-artinsky carbonaceous sediments. The maps were constructed with the use
of correlations between the transit time of elastic waves, the thickness of sediments and absolute marks. To confirm the progress of the intended reef zone and their coating structures it’s recommended to drill wells across the strike of the scheduled structures.




Fuks A.B., Melnikov P.N., Migursky F.A., Bitner A.K., Filiptsov Yu.A., Khudorozhkov V.G. Valuable components resources of associated and non-associated gases of East-Siberian deposits


Element composition of associated and non-associated gases in the largest deposits in the south of Eastern Siberia is considered. The paper presents the estimation of potential production of valuable associated components of gases (propane, ethane, butane, helium) in case of these deposits exploitation. The issues of rational use of the deposits are considered.



Grunis E.B., Kuleshov V.E., Marakova I.A., Rostovshchikov V.B. Geological-tectonic and geochemical factors of heavy oil deposit formation in the Timan-Pechora province


Formation conditions of heavy and high-viscous oils of the Timan-Pechora province are consi-dered in the article. Physical-chemical composition of heavy oils, geochemical and paleotectoni-cal factors of changes in composition and features of heavy oils were investigated. It was shown that physical-chemical composition of heavy oils does not depend on the deposits age as the deposits are allochthonous (epigenetic).


Pavlova M.A., Eder V.G., Zamirailova A.G., Kamkina A.D., Glinskikh V.N. Bazhenov formation model by the data from Salym oilfield area


Characterization of Bazhenov Formation and its model were made based on the complex analysis of Salym oilfield data. The data was presented by relationship of log data between five closely located wells and by core data from one of them. The original Bazhenov Formation lithotype thickness maps were constructed. Layer thickness of rocks with a high total organic content increase to the western part of the site. Thickness changes for all lithotypes are oriented from north-east to south-west.




Rodkin M.V., Rukavishnikova T.A. Oil-formation center as non-equilibrium dynamic system – the model and its comparison to experimental data


Hydrocarbon formation from dispersed organic matter is impossible in quasi-equilibrium condi-tions for thermodynamic reasons. The authors suggest the oil origin model based on dispersed
organic matter and upward fluid flow according to scheme of flawing non-equilibrium reactor. The most corresponding to the scheme are the areas of deep thrusts (subduction zones in particular), where upward flows are represented with low-mineralized waters mobilized during submerging
rocks dehydration. It is shown that the conclusions of the model correspond to the geological-geophysical data for the regions of large hydrocarbon deposits location.


Lurje M.A. Concerning geochemical differences of oil and gas systems


Complex of geocatalytic transformations of deep-seated hydrocarbons is a possible way of abiogenetic oil component formation. The evidence of it is the reaction potential of hydrocarbon
and elemental sulfur mixture, the potential provides condensation transformations of deep-seated simple hydrocarbons with sulfur. This results in the formation of oil hydrocarbons of different types and with different molecular masses and also organic sulfur compounds. Contained in deep-seated fluids metals (V, Ni) react in these processes due to their catalytic properties and form metal-contained structures. So in oil systems a direct correlation can be seen between the content of sulfur, metals, resins, asphaltenes and heavy fractions. Therefore geochemical type of oil system depends on sulfur andmetals concentration in the deep-seated hydrocarbon fluids.

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