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Geologiya Nefti I Gaza" ("Oil And Gas Geology") is included by the Higher Attestation Commission in the list of leading scientific journals and publications where the main scientific results of dissertations for the degree of candidate and doctor of sciences

Editorial office address: 36 shosse Entuziastov, 105118, Moscow, Russia
Viktor  Petersilie, deputy editor-in-chief

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Shein V.S., Alferenok A.V., Kalamkarov S.L., Knipper A.A., Shein V.A. Plate tectonics and oil and gas geological zoning of the Western Arctic and adjacent regions


The authors have considered geodynamic evolution, plate tectonics and oil and gas geological zoning of the western Arctic and adjacent regions, identified basins of various types and evaluated oil and gas potential of these objects. The zoning map shows deep plate tectonic structures: paleo-continents (Siberian, East European), paleo- meso-continents (Barentsia, West Siberia, Arctida), collision orogens, plate collision sutures and transform faults. The paleo-meso-continents are comprised of paleo-micro-continents. For instance, the Barentsia includes the Svalbar and Pechora paleomicrocontinents, Western Siberia comprises the Khanty-Mansiysk and Nyadoyakh paleomicrocontinents, and the Arctida is split into the Kara, Novosibirsk, Chukotka, Alfa-Mendeleev, Ermak and Lomonosov paleomicrocontinents. The paleomicro-continents are encircled by the Novaya-Zemlia, Central Taimyr and other orogens and sutures resulted from plate collision. In their turn, these deep structures are complicated by rifts, above-rift depressions, deeps, passive continental paleo-margins and other structures of the sedimentary cover.

Shpilman A.V., Volkov V.A. Realization of the concept of exploration zones, casec study of the Yugansk-Koltogorsk zone of the West Siberian oil and gas province

In Energy Strategy development for the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug-Ugra for time period till 2030 the use of the exploration zone concept was adopted. This concept widens the presently common understanding of the stage-step mode of the geological prospecting for oil and gas. This approach was supported by the top management of FAN Rosnedra. As a result, 29 regions of Russia were selected for concentration of geological exploration, 5 of them given first priority. The united Yugansk-Koltogorsk zone is one of such exploration zones. This paper describes principles and criteria used in identifying the exploration zones. It also describes approaches to organization of combined geological and geophysical studies of deep structures, assessment of oil and gas potential and feasibility study of development of resources of the Yugansk-Koltogorsk zone, as well as the results obtained. A 3D model of the geological structure,  geological exploration program, licensing program, field development program and the resulting comprehensive program for development of the Yugansk-Koltogorsk exploration area have been prepared. The program provides for a 2-time increase of oil production to attain 41 million tons by 2027.

Rybalchenko V.V., Gogonenkov G.N., Slepchenko V.A. Vertical gas migration and gas hydrates in the northeast Shelf of Sakhalin

The north-eastern shelf of Island Sakhalin is one of the most actively studied oil and gas promising regions. Over the past decades many large hydrocarbon fields have been discovered here. However, with each year the increase in reserves owing to discovery of new fields in the sedimentary cover will inevitably decline, so the urgency of exploration for non-traditional hydrocarbon accumulations is extremely acute today. The modern 3D seismic survey of the Kirinsk, Ayashsk and East Odoptinsk blocks of the Sakhalin northeastern shelf together with high-quality regional 2D lines allow to study the patterns of distribution of gas migration channels over the area and their relationship to the position of gas hydrate occurrence zones. This article is devoted to discussion of these questions. Study of the nature of origin of the huge amounts of methane found in the sediments and bottom layers of the Sakhalin shelf is not only scientifically significant, but also practically important. It relates to exploration for potential fields in the Mesozoic basement very positively evaluated by many researchers.

Goryunov E.Yu., Ignatov P.A., Trofimov V.A., Nguen M.N., Sabirov I.A., Uzembaeva Z.I. 

Oil and gas potential of the Zhiguli Swell basement

Based on comparative analysis of geological structure of the White Tiger oil field (Vietnam) and Zhiguli Swell (Samarskaya Oblast) the authors have arrived to conclusion on a probable productivity of the basement rocks of the latter. The conclusion is based on common features revealed in the geological structure of these objects. Such features are as follows: block structure of both objects, their considerable tectonic fragmentation, presence of oil accumulations in overlapping sediments, hydrothermal changes in the basement rocks, neo-tectonic block activity and shows of recent HC inflows into the above accumulations. Based on the study carried out by the authors, it is proposed to consider the basement of the Zhiguli swell as a promising oil and gas prospect with a certain degree of probability.


Gottikh R.P., Grunis E.B., Pisotsky B.I. Role of endogenous fluid systems in formation of oil potential of the Volga-Ural domanic deposits according to results of geological, geophysical and geochemical studies

Some aspects of formation of the Domanik deposits in the Volga-Ural province are considered. Geochemical studies have shown that in the geological section some horizons of elevated radioactivity are characterized by high concentrations of As, Te, Hg, Au, Ag, Re, Pd and Pt known to correlate with main volcanism events. The metal-enriched solutions entering the sedimentation basin ensured formation of geochemical anomalies. The possibility of deriving the Uranium content of rocks from well logs made it possible to identify fracture zones associated with faults in the basement, both in the «radial section» mode and on maps. Identification of the anomalies contributes to a rational planning of horizontal wells for extraction of shale oil and better contouring of already identified HC accumulations.


Babayev F.R., Martynova G.S., Maksakova O.P., Nanadzhanova R.G., Alizadeh A.E. Specific Properties of oil from the Naftalan field

1-Naftalan field oil contained in the Akchagyl stage deposits was formed by the end of the Maikop age in the oil-source rocks of the Upper Maikop, and then migrated to the Akchagyl strata. In the deposits of the Maikop suite there is present a variety of oils - therapeutic heavy oil from upper horizons of the Upper Maikop and light fuel oil from in the lower horizons of the Upper Maikop and in the Lower Maikop deposits. Microelement and hydrocarbon compositions of the Naftalan oil have been studied. The specific properties of the hydrocarbon composition of the Naphthalan oil revealed are as follows: their content of hydrocarbons of the decahydronaphthalene class is high, the main ion m/z = 95; and the  microelement composition is distinguished by predominance of noble metals and a number of heavy metals, which can contribute to the healing properties of the Naftalan oil.



Eremin N.A., Zinovkina T.S., Shabalin N.A., Eremin Al.N. Oil and gas possibilities of Syria

In the geological structure of Syria two oil-and-gas provinces can be identified as follows: the Mesopotamian (depression in the Northeast) and Arabian (the northern margin of the Arabian platform). Prospective lands in Syria with proven commercial oil and gas productivity associate with:  the north-eastern plunge zone of the Mesopotamian trough; Euphrates syneclise, complicated by the Tual-abba-Sinjar system of swell-like uplifts; and southern part of the Aleppo uplift. In the sedimentary cover in Syria there were identified seven productive series within the section of Paleozoic, Mesozoic and Paleogene-Neogene deposits. The main part of oil Most of the oil fields concentrate in the northeastern and eastern parts of the country (the Rumelan, Tishrin, Jebissin, Taiyama and El-Varda oil and gas zones). Major part of gas fields is found in the Palmyra oil and gas region. According to BP estimates (2015) the recoverable oil and gas reserves of Syria amount to 350 million m3 and 250 billion m3, respectively. According to some estimates, the recoverable resources of shale oil on land here amount to about 7 billion m3. The Syrian part of the Levantine shelf basin (its total area being 2 190 km2) has very significant possible recoverable gas and oil resources (600-700 billion m3 and 50 million m3, respectively). Integral results of the studies performed show a bright future for discovery of HC fields both in the continental part of Syria and in its part of the Levantine shelf.


Majid Al Khalum A.A. Petroleum potential of Paleozoic-Mesozoic deposits in the Northeast Syria and the Palmyra basin

Paleozoic deposits within the Palmyra region are characterized by presence of rocks with favorable properties for both generation and accumulation of HC fluids, as evidenced by oil and gas manifestations in a number of drilled wells (Zhikhar-1, 2, 4, Maghuliya, Bishri and others).

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