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Cherepanov V.V., Davydov A.V. OOO "Gazprom Geologorazvedka" - 5 years of Exploration and Prospecting


Akhmedsafin S.K., Rybalchenko V.V., Merkulov A.V., Zharikov M.G., Variagov S.A., Nezhdanov A.A., Gorbunov S.A., Ogibenin V.V., Spodobaev A.A., Zagorovskii Iu.A. Prospects and techniques of hydrocarbon deposits exploration in the Achimov and Jurassic deposits of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug


The article presents structural features and oil and gas prospects of the Achimov and Jurassic deposits in the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug. High prospects of the deposits are substan-tiated for PJSC "Gazprom" raw material base buildup for further exploration especially in the areas with well-developed infrastructure. Improvement of geological exploration work in deep horizons and the use of up-to-date techniques in all steps of geological exploration is considered necessary for the increase of geological exploration efficiency.


Mitrofanov A.D., Korobeinikov A.A., Myazin O.G., Giniyatullin N.S., Chuikov S.N., Khabibullin D.Ia. Approaches for gas potential building in the Yamal peninsula


The Yamal peninsula is one of the principle areas for geological exploration in Russia. Today "Gazprom" is actively preparing the Yamal deposits for commercial exploitation. Complex exploitation program includes 3 basic deposits, they are Bovanenkovskoe, Kharasaveiskoe and Kruzenshternskoe deposits, 6 nor thern deposits including the Tambey group and 9 deposits in the south of the Yamal. The implementation of the present geological exploration program contributes to the formation of a new oil and gas region in the Yamal peninsula and gas output increase in the West Siberia.


Kreknin S.G., Okishev R.N., Ognev A.F., Kupriianov M.Iu., Pushnikov K.V., Rybiakov A.N., Litvinova E.A. Hydrocarbon deposits exploitation prospects for PJSC "Gazprom" objects in the Kara Sea


Seismic geological models of deposits and promissing objects in the PJSC "Gazprom" license regions of the Kara Sea were detailed on the basement of geological and geophysical data reinterpretation and new 2D and 3D CPD seismic survey data. The results of the resources potential reevaluation according to the models are presented and the order of the deposits research and exploitation is substantiated in view of the present and planned infrastructure in the Yamal peninsula and the near-Yamal shelf.


Khostaria V.N., Martyn A.A., Dmitriev S.E., Kirpichnikov A.V., Piatnitskii Iu.I. The results of OOO "Gazprom Geologorazvedka" geological exploration in the Sakhalin eastern shelf (the Sea of Okhotsk)


The paper considers principle geological structural features and oil-gas-bearing capacity of the PJSC license regions in the Sea of Okhotsk Shelf (Sakhalin-3 project) and presents main results of OOO “Gazprom Geologorazvedka” geological exploration in the regions the authors believe. The geological exploration revealed a new gas-bearing region in the Far East of the Russian Federation which n the short term could become a large centre for gas and gas condensate output of PJSC “Gazprom”.


Kreknin S.G., Pogretskii A.V., Krylov D.N., Trukhin V.Iu., Sitdikov N.R. Updated geological-geophysical model for the Chaiandinskoe oil-gas-condensate deposit


The Chaiandinskoe oil-gas-condensate deposit is the largest deposit in Yakutia known for its unique gas reserves and significant oil reserves. Due to extensive geological exploration work conducted by OOO “Gazprom Geologorazvedka” in recent years, an updated geological-geophysical model of the deposit was proposed and the deposit was prepared for exploitation.


Smirnov A.S., Gorlov I.V., Iaitskii N.N., Gorskii O.M., Ignatiev S.F., Pospeev A.V., Vakhromeev A.G., Agafonov Iu.A., Buddo I.V. Integration of geological and geophysical data is a way to design an accurate model of the Kovykta gas condensate deposit


In the article present geological-geophysical methods applied for the Kovykta deposit exploration are considered and their efficiency I analyzed. The integration of data obtained with different geological-geophysical methods is considered essential to detail geological structure of the explored hydrocarbon deposits and design exploration and prospecting in complicated   geological conditions with high risk and uncertain source information.


Gorbunov S.A., Nezhdanov A.A., Ogibenin V.V., Zagorovskii Iu.A., Piatnitskiy Yu.I., Khabibullin D.Y. Time thickness analysis (chrono-pycnometry) as a way to increase geological information content in seismic survey data


Due to the development of special methods for time thickness analysis, the methods for seismic paleologic mapping of sand reservoirs in the Neocomain Achimov strata and seismic forecast for the thickness of the Cenomanian gas-saturated deposits in the West-Siberian basin could be considered a separate approach called chrono-pycnometry which is a supplemental method to seismic facial and dynamic analysis of CPD seismic survey data.

Biktimirova O.M., Zaletova N.M., Ershov A.V., Votinova T.V. Methods of gas and gas condensate properties assessment for the Tambey deposits group


The paper presents the developed method for volumetric parameters assessment based on their interconnection with physical-chemical properties of gas and condensate and the depth of deposits occurrence.


Kokarev P.N., Safin R.R., Generalova I.E., Serdukova V.A., Rodivilov D.B., Belorusov I.N., Dikikh I.A., Petukhov A.Yu. The improvement of well logging complexes efficiency in oil and gas well sections study


The article describes well logging complexes of prospecting boreholes of the PJSC "Gazprom" license regions in the West and East Siberia which are in process of designing and implemen-tation by OOO "Gazprom Geologorazvedka". Well logging complexes conducted currently and before OOO "Gazprom Geologorazvedka" incorporation were compared and analyzed. It was concluded that expanded well logging complexes should be applied for the geologic sections of prospective wells study.

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