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Pogodaev A.V., Sitnikov V.S., Buidyllo I.V. Oil and gas prospects and priority areas for the further exploration in the Viluysky oil and gas region (Siberian platform)


The state of exploration on the territory of the Vilyui syncline located in the East of the Siberian platform is characterized. The issues of regional gas-bearing Permian sediments were discussed, the patterns of distribution of reservoirs and deposits of the lower Triassic were analyzed. The authors’ models of geological structure of the deposits are presented in the article. Considering paleotectonic builds the authors provide the data on the possible hydrocarbon migration and accumulation processes within the limits of Khapshagaysky megavolt, and in the peripheral parts of the Vilyui oil and gas region. Potential oil and gas accumulation zones were selected and the priority areas for further exploration were justified.


Staroseltsev V.S. The North of the Plateau Putorana – priority direction of high efficient oil and gas exploration in the Eastern Siberia


The article provides substantiation for reorientation of oil and gas exploration in the Eastern Siberia from the slopes of the Bajkitskaya and the Nepsko-Botuobinskaya anticlises and the borderland of Kurejskaya syneclise to its northern regions. There the number of the Triassic trappean intrusions in the Paleozoic section decrease sharply, while cumulative thickness of the section grows up to more than 8 km. The author developed original methods of buried highs forecast, that followed by gas-hydrogeochemical sampling allows preliminary defining of promising objects with recoverable resources of mainly fluid hydrocarbons of the volume 1-2 billion tons. Also economic efficiency of oil and gas exploration in the North of the Plateau Putorana was analyzed.


Gottikh R.P., Pisotsky B.I., Malinina S.S., Pimanova N.N., Grishina I.L. Deepseated geological-geophysical crustal non-uniformities and oil and gas generation and accumulation processes (at the example of the South-Western part of Siberian Platform)


The article provides the results of the research on cause-and-effect relations between deep-seated geological-geophysical crustal non-uniformities and oil and gas generation and accumu-lation processes in the South-Western part of Siberian Platform. The research was carried out on the basement of seismic (mostly deep seismic sounding DSS), gravimetric and geological data. It was shown that one of the essential signs of hydrocarbon deposit localization in sedimentary cover is the presence of relatively through local areas of low-density geological medium in consolidated crust and mantle. These areas are related to proceeding magmatic and fluid dynamic processes. The models built on the training object (Yurubcheno-Tokhomskoe oil field)
were transferred to another areas with similar structural features of consolidated basement. It allowed to define the areas for regional oil exploration within the limits of investigated territory. Gas deposits formation in Irkineevo-Chadobetsky aulacogen seems to ralate to the processes that took place in shifts during periods of tectonic and orogenic activation of the area.



Afanasenkov A.P., Poroskun V.I., Tsarev V.V., Evstratova I.A., Lugovaya O.V., Petrov A.L. About concerning probably skipped oil fringes in the Gydano-Khatangskaya oil and gas bearing zone at the example of the Deryabinskoe deposit


On the basement of complex analysis of geological, geophysical and geochemical data it was shown that there probably is oil fringe in the bed of D-V strata in the Deryabinskoe deposit. The reserves of oil fringe were assessed with probabilistic method. The issue of generative hydro-carbon sources in the Gydano-Khatangskaya oil and gas bearing zone was considered. The intervals of development of the deposits, enriched with sapropelic organic matter and able to generate fluid hydrocarbon in significant amounts, were defined in the sections of Golchikhinskaya and Yanovstanskaya series in the western regions of the Enisey-Khatangsky regional depression.


Samojlenko I.Yu., Sianisyan E.S. New view of lithologic-stratigraphic section of oil and gas bearing complexes in the Eiskaya area of Krasnodar Territory on the basement of paleographic and seismographic analysis


The paper is devoted to the problem of hydrocarbon resources recovery in Krasnodar Territory at the expanse of the exploration in newly discovered promising directions within the limits of the North-Eastern part of the Sea of Azov and the bordering land (Eiskaya area). The forecast of the section parameters of the Triassic-Jurassic and the Lower Cretaceous sediments was made. These sediments were proved to be productive due to the large deposits located in the conjugate areas. The interpretation of the seismic data was carried out based on the seismographic app-roach in united project, in which the sea and the land parts were for the first time considered as a single whole. Also paleographic analysis was carried out to reconstruct formation conditions of the Lower Cretaceous deposits. As the result, zones of the expansion of the non-anticline traps with excellent reservoir properties were defined.


Gusejnov D.A., Miri-zade S.A., Gusejnova Sh.M. Expansion features and properties of oil and gas reservoirs of the North-Western slope of the South-Caspian basin


The paper presents reservoir properties changes in the productive strata within the limits of two anticline belts of the North-Western slope of the South-Caspian basin: Central-Apsheron and Sangachal-deniz - Duvanny-deniz - Khara-Zirya - Bulla-deniz. The results of the investigation show that in the North-Western part of the South-Caspian basin the Lower Cretaceous deposits possess satisfactory reservoir properties up to the depth of 6000 m. On the deeper levels reservoir properties of the sandy-aleurite rocks improve sufficiently due to deconsolidation and secondary processes.




Galushkin Yu.I., Gavrilov V.P., Dudueva M.G. Realization of hydrocarbon potential of probable source series in the South Caspian basin in conditions of avalanche sedimentation in the Pliocene-Quternary


An evolution of thermal regime and catagenesis level of organic matter together with realization of hydrocarbon potential of the probable source rocks in the South Caspian Basin are analyzed numerically at the example of sedimentary section of the South Apsheron trough taking into account non-steady thermal regime of the Basin and avalanche sedimentation in the Pliocene-Quaternary.


Babaev F.R., Punanova S.A. Microelements of naftides: sources and distribution features of hydrocarbon ontogene processes


Qualitative and quantitative content of microelements in oil is considered and probable sources of its accumulation are estimated in the article. The ontogeny is attended by functional transfor-mation of organic (hydrocarbon content) and inorganic components and also by diagenetic, catagenetic and hypergene processes. Extended amount of literature was analyzed and generalized. Also the authors carried out their own analytic investigation on oil and organic matters of rocks with different facial content and thermal maturity, selected in a wide depth range in the deposits of Volga-Ural, West-Siberian, Timano-Pechora, South-Caspian, North-Caspian-
Mangyshlaksky, Pre-Caspian and other oil and gas basins. The article provides generalizations
related to microelement content of oil, coal, combustible and black shales – caustobioliths of common genetic series. Shale formation data is scientifically and practically interesting due to the prospects of its complex exploitation with receipt of compounds of some microelements.




Tomilova N.N., Yurova M.P. Material composition and reservoir properties of volcanogenic
reservoirs of the Viluysky syncline


The paper is devoted to the features of storage volume of volcanogenic reservoirs of the Viluysky syncline in Yakutia. Its particular feature is the rate of secondary changes of rocks that contribute to the formation of expanding argillaceous minerals (zeolite, chlorite, montmorillonite etc.). These minerals determine the following features of storage volume of rocks: small size of capillaries, complicated configuration and high adsorption properties of mineral framework. The filling of such deposits with hydrocarbons is related to fracture and pore capacity, where fractures are filtration paths for hydrocarbon migration. The features of such reservoirs should be taken into account during drilling, stripping and development of the deposits widely spread in the Viluysky syncline.

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